
Fashion Shows

Fashion Shows

Fashion Shows are the highest form of creative production. The fashion world is a fast- paced environment which we will help you navigate through with our bespoke event management service. The key aims of fashion shows are to; publicise a new or existing designer, introduce a new clothing line or present new models. Our experienced event planners will manage your fashion show from concept to completion and beyond.

  •  Venue Finding
  •  Model Casting
  •  Set Design & Build
  •  Backstage Management
  •  Show Calling
  •  Event Production

We produce prestigious fashion shows in India. We understand how fast moving the fashion world is, and so will work with you to make the process as easy and straightforward as possible. With our event management services, we will plan and manage all the important logistics for your fashion show.

Fashion shows are multi-faceted events that require a lot of detailed planning. We make it our goal to produce fashion shows that will visually stun your guests. We will work with you to understand the aims of your specific fashion show in order to build exactly what you need. There are often different reasons for planning a fashion show such as; promoting the newest range of clothing for the season, promoting a new designer or introducing new models to the fashion world. Whatever the objective for your fashion show is, we will aim to make it a full success.

The visual presentation of any event is imperative, most of all at a fashion show. Our creative teams will develop your concepts to program lighting, video production and sound for your fashion show. One of the most important components of any fashion show is the runway or catwalk. The fashion show itself is usually built around the catwalk as it is the main feature of the venue. We will design and build a bespoke runway to your exact specification. We can also envelop it your chosen fabric and colours to match either your company branding or the colours of the clothing line.

As a creative team, we know how busy the backstage of a fashion show can be. We will manage the backstage of your fashion show with efficiency and surety. Our passion is for creating visually impacting events, and with our creative ingenuity and friendly approach you can be assured that the fashion show we plan for you will be a success.